How we use donations

For more than a century people like you have helped us to find smart ways to meet the needs of our rural county, helping people in difficulty make a fresh start.

Donate today and together we’ll make lasting change in someone’s life. Your donation could:

Help a family in need

Many families face times of difficulty. We support all sorts of families with all sorts of needs. Whether that be help with finances, finding more stable housing, dealing with relationship conflict, or health issues.

Donate today and you can help a Family Link Worker to work alongside a struggling family, to put plans in place to help them reach their goals.
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Man struggling with bills

Help us to reach those who are struggling to cope.

We’re here to support anyone who may be feeling out of control, lonely or desperate. We take time to listen and understand people’s personal circumstances, without judgement. We can help in many ways, whether that be help with mental health issues, addiction or finding a job.

Donate today and you can help a Link Worker to provide a person in need with weekly support, to listen and provide reliable advice that can change a life.
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Help to provide someone with first aid

Hereford is a busy and vibrant place. Alongside the Street Pastors, our Student volunteers run a night-time street triage and recovery centre, a dedicated safe space in the city where we can care for people.

Donate today and you can help a volunteer care for an injured person, accurately assessing and providing first aid, supervising recovery, and reuniting them with friends and family.
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Leave a Vennture legacy

By leaving Vennture a gift in your will, you can make a lasting difference.

If you share our mission to Love People Better, consider leaving us a gift in your will. All the support we receive enables Vennture to work even harder to support our local community across Herefordshire.

Legacy gifts enable us to change more people's lives well into the future.
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The issues we face are complex, but with your support we can continue to be there for people, through the ups and downs, journeying together to help people achieve what's important to them.

What people say
"No one seemed to understand what was going on for us as a family and you came along and just got it straight away, it was just a relief to feel like you understand."