I joined venture in October 2021 in my first year at Hereford sixth form college. I wanted to gain experience that I could use when applying to study medicine at university the following year.
The training course I remember being a lot of fun. It was extremely interactive and enabled me to make friends with the people I would later be volunteering with.
My most memorable shift from working in lean on me was one of my first ever shifts. I met a young girl who was found outside ‘Play’ and was covered in bruises. After getting to know her and allowing herself to become comfortable with us she eventually told me that it was her partner who was giving her these marks on her body. Me and my partner on shift filled out a (Safeguarding) pink form in concern for her safety. We were later told that the form was handed into the police station and was being investigated. This was a very rewarding moment for me as I felt I had made a difference in this girls life. It also made me proud to be a part of such an amazing organisation.
I would recommend this programme to anyone who has a passion for caring for others and wants to help vulnerable people feel safe again. It is also a great way to show your enthusiasm for health and social care when applying to related professions. Lean on Me Volunteer